Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Svoboda Family Update

Today the doctor drained Jim's knee. He had immediate relief. He was able to bend his knee and get up and walk with assistance. His pneumonia is better. Finally on the right track. Tomorrow he can once again start the physical therapy so badly needed to start walking unassisted again.

For now the transplant has been pushed back 1 week. He has to be completely off antibiotics before they can proceed with his preparation. So for now we are shooting for February 20th. Keep thinking good thoughts.

On we say Dr. Joshua Dowling at Barnes. He basically said the same thing that Dr. Jaffri at Memorial has said. He has a low grade tumor on the right front lobe of his brain. Dr. Dowling wants to do another MRI on February 3rd to see if there is any change and to get a better idea for surgery. He currently is on anti-seizure meds.

For 6 months he cannot drive, take baths, ride bikes or do anything that may put him in danger. He is feeling fine, worried about Jim but is strong. Keep him in your prayers as well.

My thoughts.....God never gives us more than we can handle. However, I'm just about at my limits. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. As a family we will get through this....

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