Monday, November 21, 2011

Jim Made the List!!!

Jim just got exciting news today from Mitch his transplant coordinator. He has officially been placed on the UNOS Kidney Transplant list. He has passed all the criteria needed to be placed on the list. What this means is that if a deceased donor matches Jim's blood tissue/type, he will be a candidate for a transplant. While there are thousands on the list, it is encouraging to know he may at some point be recognized as a potential recipient and just being on the list seems positive. I have read some articles that sometimes 6-12 months is the average waiting time. Hopefully this will hold true......especially, now that I am having trouble with my blood pressure and will not be able to be a living donor unless I can lower my blood pressure with being on just one b/p medication. Hopefully we have time to work through this before Jim would have to start dialysis.

Today he was told.....

1.  For starters he will have to keep his cell phone with him at all times. (Not easy for Jim....never seems to carry it with him or turn it on). Years ago, they would give you a beeper to carry with you, but now in the age of cell phones, this is their primary means to get a hold of you if and when a kidney is available.

2.  He will have to go for blood work once a month. This is to keep his bloodwork information up-to-date should a potential kidney be available.

More information is coming to him in the mail. Thanks for all your love, support and prayers.

My thoughts....I am excited to hear this new information especially now that I see Jim getting more and more fatigued with just daily living. A new kidney would certainly make him feel so much better and some day again he may even be able to enjoy a good steak!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Day of Testing.....

Today Jim had more testing for his kidney evaluation. He had previously done all this last August with the exception of the stress test. His day started out with a Dobutamine Stress Test. This particular type of stress test is done on patients not able to exercise. A drug called Dobutamine is used to make your heart beat harder and faster as if you were exercising. Images will help determine if there is an area of your heart muscle that is not receiving enough blood. It lasted about an hour and went well.

He then preceded to the lab to have 27 viles of blood drawn (sounds like enough blood to feed all of the Twilight characters). He also had a chest x-ray, EKG and dental panorex x-rays done.

Now we wait to hear from Mitch, his transplant coordinator as to what his next steps are. Hopefully he will be put on the transplant list right away.

My blood pressure update....I continue to change my medications in hopes of lowering my blood pressure. I am watching closely what I'm eating, I have starting walking a mile a day and hoping this will help.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bump in the Road....

I received a phone call from Jean in the transplant unit who reviewed my paperwork that I submitted. They are still concerned with my blood pressure being too high to be a donor. I have tried for the past 6 months to be on only 1 blood pressure med (doctors orders) but my blood pressure still is too high. She advised that diet and exercise would help lower my blood pressure, so now I am attempting to do both (diet & exercise) in hopes this will aid in lowering my b/p. I am going to continue to work with my doctor on trying additional meds. Keep your fingers crossed and prayers coming (and hopefully the cravings I'm having for Oreos will pass).

In the meantime, there is no further testing I can do. If I am not able to be a donor, we're back at square one. If anyone is interested in being a Jim's kidney transplant team at Barnes Hospital at 1-800-633-9906 (option 2).

Jim is still scheduled to continue his testing. He is scheduled for a stress test and other tests on November 16th. Once his testing is complete, hopefully he will be put on the UNOS transplant list and the wait for a donor begins.

My thoughts
Everyone should sign their drivers license to be an organ donor. Something so simple could save the lives of so many people. Just recently we lost a couple of friends of ours unexpectedly. I can't help but think what happened to their kidney?? Could it have been used to help Jim or someone else. It is something we don't think about until we need it....