Thursday, June 27, 2013

Third Time is a Charm

Jim is scheduled to have his catheter repaired next Friday, July 5th. Apparently the last tacking done in March some how came loose. The good news is that the entire catheter does not have to be replaced. The bad news, is that he usually has a lot of post-op pain and won’t be able to do dialysis for a week.

Let's hope this third time is a charm.
I think I will ask them to use “super glue” this time!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not Again!!

For the past 3 nights Jim's drains have not gone well. They have been painful. That is usually a sign something is wrong with his catheter. We went this morning to get an x-ray and lo and behold, yes, his catheter has flipped again. Not sure why, especially since it was "tacked" down the last time and he does not do anything at all strenuous. We're told "it's just one of those things". 

They decided to use a doctor from Belleville (Craig Smith) who has a good track record with pd caths. We hopefully will find out tomorrow how soon we can get this done and  most likely will be removing his current cath and replacing with an all new one. This means no dialysis for a while and his nephrologist will determine if he can tolerate this.  If not, most likely he will have to do hemo dialysis for a while. Let's hope for a speedy surgery, recovery and time to get back on track.

Oh yes.... all of this plus gout in both knees. We are heading to the dr. in the morning to hopefully get them drained. Wish us luck.