Sunday, October 23, 2011

Knee Update

It's been 7 weeks since Jim had his arthroscopic knee surgery. Once he got past the severe case of gout during the 1st week, it has been smooth sailing. He started physical therapy this past week and goes 3 times a week for the next 2 weeks. His movement and bending his knee wasn't quite what it should be, so hopefully the physical therapy will improve that.

He goes back to the doctor on November 3rd, and hopefully he will be able to go back to work. While it's been nice having him home these past several weeks (runs errands, cooks dinner, cleans), I'm thinking it's time for him to get back to work. May be hard now that duck season has started!!!

Kidney Update
Jim is scheduled for a stress test on November 16th.
I have completed and mailed in my donor paperwork and I am waiting to hear my next steps.
My blood pressure seems to be somewhat high, but I'm still working on that.