Friday, January 10, 2014

So Far 2014 Sucks......

33 more days until scheduled transplant.
33 more days to get Jim up and walking
33 more days to get Jim's pneumonia cleared up.
33 more days to get Jim's cysts to stop bursting.
33 more days to get his blood sugar under control.

Seems a lot to do but we WILL get it done. Jim is currently hospitalized with pneumonia in his upper left quadrant. Getting breathing treatments and antibiotics. Tummy pain from bursting cysts. Physical therapy to get him up steady on his feet and walking without a walker.

His first appointment for transplant preparation is next Friday. Doing a stress test, EKG and chest x-ray. Hoping we're still on schedule to get this done.

Only time will tell.

To top off 2014, Jason is also in the hospital after having 2 seizures at home and 1 in the ER. Scheduled for a spinal tap tomorrow.

Oh....and yes we had 13" of snow. Hoping 2014 improves quickly.

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