Monday, July 9, 2012

The "Jug" and the Pickle Jar

On Jim’s last doctor appointment, his kidney doctor was surprised that my kidney function was not good enough to be a donor. He asked if I was willing to have my creatinine clearance checked by doing a 24 hour urine collection. This is another way of checking kidney function.  Of course I was willing to do this. I have been very disappointed that my 76% kidney function is not good enough to be a donor.

So a few weeks ago, unbeknownst to my co-workers, I collected my urine all day at work and at home. I must say that this is not an easy task to hide a “jug” and a hat-like device to pee in, in particular when I find myself peeing 10 or more times a day. But it worked out just fine. I then strategically placed the “jug” (in a plastic bag of course) in the refrigerator hoping that no one would mistake it for apple juice!!

The other feat was getting it home from work. Getting it there was easy, but then my walk from the office to the MetroLink station was fun. My jug was now almost full. If there was anytime someone was going to mug me on the train, I was hoping now was the time. However, I did make it home safe and sound with my pee jug intact.

Since I started collecting my urine in the morning, I had to continue it until the next morning. I was quite concerned when my “jug” was full that night I went to bed. Remembering them telling me to call “all my urine” in a 24 hour period, I searched for a jar. Aha… the glass pickle jar would do.  So my collection continued and filling that pickle jar was not a problem.

The next morning I once again loaded my “jug” and pickle jar in my workbag and headed to the train. I was able to stop at the Barnes Hospital stop and deposit them my “jug” and my pickle jar with no problem.

About a week later, Jim’s doctor called to tell me that my creatinine clearance did show that I had 80% kidney function. He then advised that he was going to contact the transplant team and let them know of these results.

My thoughts… is it I can take 3 different tests and continue to get 3 different readings on my kidney function. I say we go with the best odds of 80%.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

that is and story, would have been quite the apple juice incident!