Friday, July 5, 2013


I don't want to say this too loud. I'm afraid I will jinx it if I post about it too much. But here goes....
A friend of ours, Al, continues to be tested as a possible kidney donor for Jim. So far things are looking pretty good. Jim talked to his tranplant coordinator last week and said there was still some testing to do, but it could possibly happen in another 3-4 months.

After witnessing the pain Jim had to endure today, a transplant would truly be a gift. While dialysis certainly helps, it does take quite a toll on your body. I'm not sure how much more Jim can endure. It seems each setback makes it harder to recover.

So in the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that in another few months, our next trip to the hospital will be for a transplant. Our prayers will hopefully be answered.

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