Jim has been in the hospital now for 12 days. While his peritonitis originally was clearing up it has now returned. The culprit they think is now his pd catheter. More tests show there is a fungus growing on the catheter which definitely is the source of the current infection. The only option is to remove it. However, before it can be removed he must have an access for the hemo dialysis which he will have to switch to. However, before either the catheter is removed or the access put in, and because he was on a blood thinners he had to be transfused with blood. That is what happened today.
Tomorrow if his blood is ok, they will put in the access port and hopefully remove the cath. This means he will be able to start hemo immediately. Antibiotics are still being given and hopefully will help ease the pain he is in. For now he is ok with the hemo. This means he will have to go to the dialysis clinic 3 days a week for 4 hours of treatment. Hopefully it will be only for a short period of time until he is transplant ready.
While this is certainly not the road we thought we would be on, it's here and we are dealing with it. It's especially hard since his February 13th transplant date was so close....
My thoughts....There is nothing worse than seeing someone you love in pain and hurting. We all try our best to make things easier. Sometimes that's never enough. We take each day one day at a time and hope tomorrow will be brighter. I walked down to Children's Hospital one day last week to see my friend Alicia and her beautiful daughter Mya. Seeing so many sick kids and what it is they go through I realized we are not in this alone. So many people have bigger problems and that's just part of life. A life no one deserves. I pray for each one of them too.
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