Sunday, February 16, 2014

Good News/Bad News

The good news is that Jason doesn't have to have surgery for now. Dr. Dowling said the lesion (tumor) seems much smaller than what was on the original MRI. Since he seems to be responding well with the medication, for now he doesn't feel that surgery is necessary. He goes back in 3 months for another MRI to see if the tumor has grown any and at that time he will reevaluate the need for surgery. Yay!!!

Jim's news, however, wasn't as good. The transplant team wanted to see Jim before rescheduling surgery. Jim is still very week, walking with a walker and seems very fatigued. They want him to get stronger before the surgery and told him to keep working on his therapy and come back in a couple months. While this wasn't the news we were hoping for, in our heart of hearts we too feel it's the best for now. It was just extremely hard to take given it was February 13th...the day he was scheduled for the transplant.

My thoughts...I'm so very grateful that my son doesn't have to have brain surgery.  I also know that Jim needs to be healthier to go through a major operation. It's just hard when it seemed so close. This is just another detour that we will deal with.

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