Thursday, March 15, 2012


Found out today that once again I am no longer able to be a kidney donor for Jim. The results from the test I did on Tuesday show I have 76% function of my kidneys. In order to be a donor, 80% is the minimum required. 4%....really.

I was told that everyone loses renal function as they age (I'm 52 for heaven sake). I was also told that I can improve my kidney function by drinking more water (I have been drinking so much water I am starting to think I'm part camel), and also by cutting out soda (haven't had a Diet Coke since Ash Wednesday) and if I continue to lose weight (have lost 12 lbs. since January) that may also help. 

While I want to do this more than anything in the world and while I think I'm doing everything possible, it is still discouraging. Hopefully I will be able to be retested again in a couple months if I continue will all of the above. 

I'm not giving up hope....just wondering why this is so hard.

My Thoughts:  I'm guessing God has another plan for me....I just wish I knew what that was.

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