Thursday, March 15, 2012


Found out today that once again I am no longer able to be a kidney donor for Jim. The results from the test I did on Tuesday show I have 76% function of my kidneys. In order to be a donor, 80% is the minimum required. 4%....really.

I was told that everyone loses renal function as they age (I'm 52 for heaven sake). I was also told that I can improve my kidney function by drinking more water (I have been drinking so much water I am starting to think I'm part camel), and also by cutting out soda (haven't had a Diet Coke since Ash Wednesday) and if I continue to lose weight (have lost 12 lbs. since January) that may also help. 

While I want to do this more than anything in the world and while I think I'm doing everything possible, it is still discouraging. Hopefully I will be able to be retested again in a couple months if I continue will all of the above. 

I'm not giving up hope....just wondering why this is so hard.

My Thoughts:  I'm guessing God has another plan for me....I just wish I knew what that was.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Iothalimate Scan (GFR)

Today I spent 5 hours at Barnes doing my Iothalimate Scan in order to get a more accurate GFR reading. GFR is the best indication on your kidney function.

I started off drinking 6 drops of potassium iodine. What this does is it blocks the radioactive tracer I am injected with from going to my thyroid which forces it to go to my kidneys. Blood is drawn every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours and then once an hour the last 2 hours. I was able to move around and go outside and enjoy the particularly beautiful day today. I was able to read my book and watch TV to also pass the time.

The blood is then put in a machine where it takes 3 hours to process the results. All in all is wasn't bad. I should hopefully hear back from the transplant team this week with the result and we will be able to proceed with the next step. I'm thinking very positive thoughts.....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Finger & Fistula Update

Jim’s last appointment with his finger doctor went well. It is healing nicely and looks like skin grafting will not be necessary. He keeps it uncovered for a few hours a day and no longer needs to keep a splint on it.  He goes back in a couple weeks for his next appointment.

His fistula…not so good. It does appear that there is no blood flow through the vein. Before he proceeds with another surgery to find another way to hook up, the vascular surgeon would prefer to see what the outcome of my test (tomorrow in fact) as to whether or not we are able to continue with a transplant. If a transplant is imminent, there is no need to further pursuing the fistula. So I guess it’s all up to me!!

Tomorrow I’m having my radioactive tracer done which gives a better idea of my kidney function.  I am to be at Barnes at 9:00 and the entire procedure will last 4 hours. Every hour my blood is checked to get a reading of my kidney function. I’ll post more tomorrow, but in the meantime….please keep praying that my kidney function will be sufficient to proceed with the transplant.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Training for the Olympics....

Jim’s 2 month visit to his nephrologist went really well today. It appears his blood work basically stayed the same and improved somewhat from 2 months ago. He was, however, concerned with his fistula. He wasn’t hearing much “movement” in the vein. The doctor gave him a rubber ball to squeeze and hold while Jim is sitting in a chair to hopefully increase the blood flow. Jim has his follow-up appointment next week with the vascular surgeon that did the fistula.

He has no symptoms (poor appetite, metal taste in mouth, shortness of breath, etc.) that would indicate an immediate need for dialysis yet. So that is good news. While Jim did gain a couple pounds, the doctor stressed how important it is to stay in good shape. He advised Jim to walk or exercise. He said to look at this whole kidney transplant as training for the Olympics. It requires a great deal of stamina and being in good health will only help the situation.

I have my radioactive “tracer” scheduled for next Tuesday, March 13th at 9:00 am.

Jim’s next appointment with his kidney doctor is June 12th. Let’s hope he once again gets a good report!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Next Step......Radioactive "Tracer"

Another requirement to be a kidney donor is that you must have minimum 80% kidney function. My creatinine level is 0.94 and with a formula they calculate that I have between 63-70% kidney function. To get a more accurate account, in the next couple of weeks I am scheduled for a procedure wherein I have a radioactive “tracer” injected into me and blood samples are then taken over the next 4 hours to measure how quickly the radioactivity disappears. This gives a more accurate percentage of kidney function. If it is below 80% I will not be able to be a donor. Keep your fingers crossed that it will be over 80% and that I don’t end up “glowing” in the dark.