Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sometimes it doesn't pay to get out of bed....

That’s what Jim said today when he called me at 9:30 am from the Emergency Room. My initial vision was of him with the new “fistula” in his arm rupturing. Thank goodness, but……

I can usually tell from the tone of his voice if something is wrong and I felt that tone. Today was his first day back to work since the surgery he had in his left arm. While he usually works the night shift, today he was on the day shift working with someone unfamiliar to him. While Jim had his right hand in the press adjusting springs, the guy decided to turn on the press. Not a good idea.

While he still has all his fingers intact…..it completely peeled off the skin  from the tip of his middle finger. While he probably will have to have skin grafts on his finger, he said he was feeling ok. He was able to drive home. So for now he has limited use of both his upper extremities.  I think I’m going to have to buy him shoes that velcro.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings…..

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