I know that it's been a while since I have posted anything, but it is because there really isn't nothing new to report since last month.
Jim's next doctor's appointment is June 12th so we won't know our next step until then. What we do know is that Jim will have to have his fistula redone in his arm. He still has no blood flow in the fistula he had done a few months ago. Apparently this is fairly common having to have it done more than once. Jim still feels good and his appetite certainly hasn't failed him. Beside a few days with "the gout" last week, he's been doing good.
In the meantime, I am still doing Weight Watchers and have lost 17 lbs.so far. Hopefully if I continue to lose weight I will be able to be retested to see if my kidney function has improved. My blood pressure on one medication is good, so I'm all set.
It is nice to have a couple months "doctor free". Life almost feels normal again.