Monday, August 23, 2010

Testing 1,2,3......

Today we left at 6:00 am to head over to Barnes for a full day of testing. My test consisted of drawing 5 vials of blood. Jim's consisted of drawing 16 vials of blood,  a urinalysis, a chest x-ray, an EKG, a dental x-ray, a 2D echocardiogram, and the 1st of 3 Hepatitis B shots.

We then attended a 2 hour Kidney Transplant Education Class, talked with a clinical financial specialist, a clinical social worker then had an hour physician consult. All in all, not a bad day.

Some of the things we learned today are:
  • Barnes does over 200 transplants a year
  • A living donor kidney last 15 years on average, a deceased donor last 10 years on average
  • Waiting time on a donor list is 3-4 years
  • Anti-rejection drugs are very expensive 
  • End stage renal disease patients are eligible for Medicare effective at the start of dialysis or a transplant
We should know in about 10 days if I am a match. Lindsay is being tested later this week. Larry will be tested once he completes his paperwork.

Jim's next appointment is in September and we will find out the results of the all the testing from today. He will have to take a stress test within the next few weeks (as soon as his gout in his right knee goes away...ugh)

My Thoughts: The Barnes Transplant Team are remarkable people. Very helpful. They say the become part of your family....and it's easy to see why.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Beginning....

Jim's Journey

For those of you not aware, Jim has a hereditary genetic kidney disease called Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). His mom and grandmother both had it and it was unfortunately passed onto him. What it is is small cysts grow on your kidneys eventually causing them to no longer function wherein you must go on dialysis or have a kidney transplant. Since Jim really doesn't want to go on dialysis, he has opted for a transplant. To find out more about PKD visit their website at

His journey begins tomorrow when he starts his evaluation for a kidney transplant. He will be tested and evaluated as to his health condition to see if he would be a good kidney transplant recipient. A living donor is the best option so both Lindsay and I and my brother Larry has volunteered and we will be tested if we are a compatible match. If not, he will be put on the UNOS (United Network of Sharing) transplant list.

If anyone is interested in being tested as a living donor, please contact Susan Martin (his transplant nurse coordinator) at Barnes Hospital at 1-800-633-9906 (option 2). She will ask a few questions of you then send to you a packet of information to complete.

Current Condition:  Jim currently has 24% use of his kidneys and when it reaches 15% he will then have to begin dialysis.

My Thoughts: I so wish I had been more involved when Lorraine was going through this. I have so many questions I wish she could help us with.  I wish she was still here....